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"...blogging on the weekend is the new black."

 - from jenandtonic

so i've been cleaning and launderizing and generally tidying up, as i am expecting my dad to show up... sometime. he's flying in from... uh... i don't know, somewhere. clearly i have limited information here. a phone call home confirmed that, yes, he's flying in today and no, i don't know when, either. thanks, mom, FOR NOTHING. so here i sit, wondering when he will pull up and do i want to wash another load of laundry and should i eat dinner and does the floor REALLY need vacuuming?

and what's up with not blogging on the weekend, anyway? as if we've all got lives to which need attending. please. the masses are not fooled.
Posted on Saturday, August 6, 2005 at 05:01PM by Registered Commentermdog | Comments1 Comment

Reader Comments (1)

sorry... i will get your cds back to you! I really liked a lot of that... in fact, I think I'm going to get a couple of them. Now, I just need to figure out which ones!
Aug 6, 2005 at 11:49PM | Unregistered Commenterpaul

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