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behind the curtain

"This following type of formation is called a 'curtain.'  The foto does not nearly do it justice.  It is massive and sparkly all over.  Sincerely, people, caves are fascinating.  All the formations we saw were thousands of years old.  They are so beautiful, but hidden in the depths of the earth where humans and light hardly reach.  There was a river/stream flowing through one of the caves, and the years and years of slow erosion and molding of the rock was so evident!  Amazing!
For some reason that is reminding me of the most beautiful unique parts of ourselves, our inward thoughts and personalities that take so long to develop, that are continually changing and that are actually appreciated by so few.  Never completely - only by God.  And what of God?  We know so truly little of who God is. ..."
[more from sjl here
Posted on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 at 08:49AM by Registered Commentermdog | Comments7 Comments

Reader Comments (7)

Hey M,

Just curious, where were you at when you took the photo?

I like your analogy to our inner selves...how true.

Mar 21, 2007 at 09:30AM | Unregistered CommenterJim

i was probably sitting in my living room eating cheese puffs or something when this photo was taken. my friend sarah, on the other hand, was in a cave in honduras, inadvertently getting acquainted with bat guano when this picture was taken.

i take no credit for these reflections, i'm just sharing them! more of her thoughts here.

Mar 21, 2007 at 09:41AM | Registered Commentermdog


Quit stalking and start a blog.

Mar 21, 2007 at 02:00PM | Unregistered Commenterpaul

Wow, mdog, you really have some cool friends.

Mar 21, 2007 at 07:32PM | Unregistered CommenterEmily

welcome and thank you, mysterious emily. i think they're pretty cool, too. :)

Mar 21, 2007 at 10:01PM | Registered Commentermdog

Emily wasn't talking about Jim and me, was she? :)

Mar 22, 2007 at 07:37AM | Unregistered Commenterpaul

I felt the same sense of wonder when we were caving in Belize. What a great connection to our inner selves though. I love that. Thanks for the link.

Mar 26, 2007 at 12:15PM | Unregistered CommenterTB

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